The fact is that many French bulldogs are given up for adoption each and every year and that is sad. Often, though it is not the fault of their owners. I will state right up front, you need both money and time to own one of these amazing rescue dogs.
But, in return your French Bulldog will give you unconditional love, companionship, friendship and most of all many hours of great fun. We visited family over the summer and they had two rather boisterous dogs, a Border Collie and a Labrador cross.
Beware Of French Bulldog Rescue Scams…
You also need to watch out for rescue dog scams on the Internet. There have been a few recently. So, how do you tell the real French Bulldog Rescue sites from the scam artists?
Well, use your common sense I think. Look out for obvious signs like spelling mistakes, bad grammar and HEADLINES IN CAPITALS AND BOLD LIKE THIS. They may also offer to ship their anywhere in the country or even abroad. Let’s be straight about this – No reputable dog rescue will ship their animals. You go to collect (infinitely preferable – so you can see the surroundings), or they may deliver to you – but NEVER ship!
A bona fide French Bulldog rescue website or kennel will have any information you could need about their operation and also cover all legalities concerning adoption. They will have made sure the dog is properly looked after post rescue and will go as far as they can to ascertain bloodline and inoculations.
They will also want to know you are going to provide a good home for the dog so expect to answer a few questions yourself and maybe expect a home visit and further interviews. you will also need to complete the official paperwork, if this is not forthcoming do not take the dog! They may even ask you for character references. This means the adoption process can take some time – from a couple of weeks to, in some instances, years.
If everything is done by the book, you can expect to gain an excellent friend as your new housemate.
But French Bulldog Rescue Dogs Are Worth It In The End Though
There are many benefits of getting a new dog from a rescue center, such as being able to welcome a new member in your family and having a lot of fun with its integration. However, is the French bulldog rescue something different and how does this integrate with the entire experience? Believe it or not, having a French bulldog is amazing and many times visiting a rescue center is the best place where you can get such a dog.
A rescued French bulldog will take care of the dog even before you choose to get it. As a result, dogs that come from a rescue center will be healthy and they won’t have any health issues as these can be very troublesome as you can expect. It really is something important to nurture your dog and take care of it the right way, but its provenance might make this a little troublesome.
Although it might seem frustrating waiting to take on a rescue dog, if you do get the process right and get the dog you want, it’s hugely rewarding in the end. And it’s worth getting it right because there’s no sense adopting a Frenchie simply to have to give him back in a few months time.
So, be patient, and you will get the one of the best pets it’s possible to get and you will have helped a French Bulldog Rescue Centre into the bargain – and that feels very good indeed!
Working With Your Rescue Frenchie
Working with a French bulldog rescue dog offers you the value and quality that you need and it will also ensure you that your dog gets the best from you and stays healthy.
French bulldog prices can be pretty high and a rescue centre might be the most affordable place for you to buy such a dog.
You shouldn’t try to spend too much on a French bulldog is it means you’re out of budget. Thankfully a rescue center might be the best option for you in this regard. You can opt for puppies if you want as they are less expensive.
Thankfully, the French bulldog rescue dog does come with a lot of variety here and that makes all the difference in the world to be honest. It really helps you figure out what dog you want simply by visiting the rescue and exploring all the offerings there.
Visiting a rescue center is the only way to ensure that you get a healthy dog. Purchasing one online is risky as you rarely find sellers that offer medical documentation with the dog. Unfortunately, if the dog has any potential health problems you will be on your own and that’s the last thing you want to have to be honest. It really makes a difference in the long run, so you should consider visiting a French bulldog rescue if you really want to get this type of dog.
Prices will differ as well, but usually the rescue center will be able to offer you the best prices if you want to get a French bulldog. Be it puppies or adult French bulldogs, all of them are a pleasure to have around and you are definitely going to be more than impressed with this breed of dog.
Just give them a shot and you are bound to love how fun and adorable they are in the first place. Visit the nearest French bulldog rescue center for more information!